Monday, November 2, 2015

Chapter 5 (Part 4)
  5. Believers Impacting the Wider Community
I have heard the Jewish people described as being held together through the centuries by the fact that they are a “community;” only one in 300 is a “Jew;” but they have a bond of common ancestors and experiences and a common focus toward God. The Jewish community’s assigned task, by God, is to present God to the wider world; to be his “priests” in the Earth; to teach mankind about God and how to relate to Him. Their heritage is hinged on God’s intervention and association with a “family.” That “family” was to manifest the reality of God and His activity in the Earth on their behalf. The “family” of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were “marked” by God’s choice to be His special “family.” Jews are not united around a “religion,” they are united around a common intervention by an awesome God in, and for, their “family”!

Their assignment makes them keenly aware of how far the folks in Earth have drifted away from the principals laid down by God that assure a positive and rewarding relationship with Him. They are keenly aware of the “stewardship” assigned to Man over the Earth; aware of the inequalities caused by flight from God and His principals that plagues the Earth. Jews feel a need to “better” what they can; to nudge the Earth and its people back to the relationship with the Maker that assures a “good” Earth and “good” relationship between people and peoples. Their lives are to be a visual demonstration of what relationship and obedience to God can do for a nation and an individual.

Christians want to do the same thing, but need to better understand how to bring that about. The melding of the example and action of the Jewish people into Christian involvement with the world around them would benefit both.

6. What about those “Tongues?”
I was instructed, by my Jewish wife, not to use “tongues” out loud in a Jewish environment or service. Indeed, in Reform Judaism, “tongues” are a source of division and misunderstanding…

 “Tongues” are an utterance produced by the vocal apparatus of the human body that are not in the native tongue or any known language. The general belief of Christians is that they are inspired by the Spirit of God to release into the Earth through the creative “portal” of “Man” (the mouth) “words” that release God to operate in a Earth that is temporarily “leased” to God’s enemy, the devil. I agree with that. Not every Christian speaks in “tongues.” And why God chooses those He does is His business. Science has shown that “tongues” are not connected to activity in the human “brain;” but seem to come from another source. (My take; The “spirit” of a person as it is connected to God)

I feel very certain that the prophets of old would “mutter” sounds that their disciples could not understand as well as speaking in their native tongues. According to God’s Word nothing can happen in the Earth until it is “spoken.” That’s because Man has the dominion over the earth, and also because of the “lease” given to the devil by Adam in his rebellion in the Garden. God says He won’t do anything until He tells His prophets; and until those prophets “speak” His Plan into the Earth it cannot happen. For example, you can clearly follow the “thread” spoken in the Old Testament that leads to Rabbi Jesus.

7. Christians need to study the Torah
If we are becoming “teachable” again, then the next step is to take seriously the command in the Word to “Study to show thyself approved, rightly dividing the Word of Truth…” As I have mentioned, serious and open-minded “study” of the Word is almost a non item among even serious “Christians.” If we commit to “study” then the “root item” on which our Christianity is based will be the “Torah.” (the first five books of the Old Testament) This is an area “Christians” need to begin to explore!

And we have a tremendous wealth of knowledge to draw from! The Jewish rabbis and sages have delved into the Torah for centuries upon centuries and their wisdom has been passed down and preserved! The Torah will be one of the sources of continual study for us for eternity…layer upon layer of the revelation of God and His Character! We must get over our fear of “other” opinions and views if we are going to dip our toes into the Word and drink of its treasures! We also need to understand that more “revelation” is forthcoming from God’s Spirit when we move into the arena of “study.” The “revelation” of the depths of the Word will consume us for eternity; we will never reach the bottom of the treasures of knowledge and beauty contained in it!

“Study” with one another, with the tolerance that others can still hold different opinions and we can love and fellowship with them, opens up new areas of revelation. Because where two or three are gathered together searching the Word, the Spirit of God will be in the midst giving revelation and insight through each individual.
Wrapping it up!
This approach to touching Judaism and Christianity, of course, cannot end here!
When we shine the light of “Truth” it not only gives us illumination, but reveals the rough and the incorrect areas as well! Neither Christians nor Jews can remain “osmosis believers!” But I understand and respect the “soul” reaction to spiritual concepts…the first instinct of your “soul” will be to bury these “observations” in the sand and forget you ever read it! However I have found, too, that those things “revealed” to us must be reconciled, must be dealt with if we are to achieve the peace God designed us and enabled us to live in! And that “when” we learn about them we also take ownership and responsibility of them! And that we are ready for them when we access them…made ready by the Spirit of God.

Those areas and concepts “new” to the Reader are brought to your attention by the Spirit of God as part of your “journey” to fulfill the Plan and Dream of God for YOU which He had “before the foundations of the Earth were laid!” There is no insignificant member of God’s People in the Earth. The command to “Study” and “Grow Up” applies to every person in the Earth because the Love of God is the same towards every person He has placed into the Earth; there is a “destiny” for YOU to fulfill and what you now know (if you receive it!) is part of the fabric of your life and the Plan of God for you!

Take those things that apply to YOU and export them into the world around you as part of your part in the wonderful plan of God for His most awesome creation, Man!

Thank you for taking the time and expending the energy to peruse this volume! Go back to the “Contents” page, and be led by the Spirit of God to read again those sections He points out to you, Please, please, take the time and effort to “study” those areas that seem hazy, or need verification from other sources; they will not impact your life or the world around you until they are settled in your “spirit” and accepted by your “soul!”

I love and respect each of you!


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